Get fit, healthy, and on the go with PhilCare

It's already summer! And when it's summer, we all wanted to be under the heat of the sun getting tanned skin by the seashore. We wanted to get that beach-bod so we can wear sexy swimsuits and along with achieving our dream summer body, we do routines to be sexy and summer ready. But whether it's summer or rainy season, it is important that we take good care of our body, not only our skin, but also our health.

"Health is Wealth" is the first phrase that pops into my mind when I hear the word health. Why? If there is any other wealth that we can have in the world that can keep us alive, aside from money, it is health. 

Living a healthy life tends to be harder for those who learned to smoke, or drown themselves with liquors everyday. For them, their daily dose of healthy life is an ingredient of these killing vices. I can say that since I was one of those people who tried and got addicted to vices some time in my life. I was surrounded with friends who eat cigars and drink beers every weekend.

When I was diagnosed with blood and respiratory problems, I was lucky enough that my health isn't terminal yet, so the soonest time, I decided to stop. Inch by inch, I realize how important staying healthy is. I was born with a mild heart complication and I'm glad that by deciding to live healthy, I extended my life span. Good thing that I met a friend who also went through the stage of getting over the addiction to vices. 

While I was maximizing the use of my company health card before I finally say goodbye to my first company, I slowly feel that it's good to stay fit for life. My work as a back office call center agent gave me reasons to live an unhealthy life and I'm now leaving that behind.

And so, PhilCare was introduced to me. To give you a brief description, PhilCare is one of the first and among the largest HMO companies in the country. PhilCare is striving to make health care services and its extensive and high-quality provider network available to every Filipino through various prepaid health card. Having a health card is very convenient, especially if it is fully subsidized by a company. Just in case you don't have cash on hand, you can avail medical services depending if it is covered by your health card.

PhilCare also offers Smart Check Up. This is specifically made for individual and corporate accounts needing APE or Pre-employment Examination package that could be availed at selected clinics in Metro Manila.

This prepaid card lets you know your state of health. It is important not just for you, but also perhaps for your employer or potential employer; that’s why they often ask you to take yearly physical exams. But quality physical examination comes with different services and each one carries separate price tags.

Smart Check-Up gives you access to a complete set of physical exams from the best doctors and health providers in PhilCare Clinics and affiliated providers for only P499, all in.

Medical History Taking
Physical Examination
Chest X-Ray
Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Where to avail: PhilCare cinics

How to avail: Register through SMS before use. By appointment only; Card is surrendered upon availment; One-time availment

Additional Benefits:

·         Preferential Rates 10% off on ultrasound procedures and 5% discount on laboratory and X-ray procedures arising from the use of the cards at the PhilCare Manila and Makati Clinics. One time availment only.

·         Access to PhilCare Go!Mobile Smart Check-Up lets you download your exam results via the PhilCare Go!Mobile App on your Android device.

·         Participation in PhilCare 360 Wellness activities  You can also use your Smart Check-Up to become a myPhilCare member so you can enjoy exclusive deals and invites on wellness. 
·         Hassle Free membership
·         No age restriction and no need for enrollment requirements.

When I received the wellness box from PhilCare, here are the few thoughts that came in mind about health:

1. Cleanse. This is for the Moringa Detox Tea. Cleansing is good for the body since it pushes away bacteria in our internal organs.
2. Stay Fit. The jumping rope symbolizes staying fit since it is one of the exercise tools we use if we want to stay fit. Being fit not only means being slim. It also means that you are healthy enough to do your daily activities and routines.
3. Look Good. The Calamansi and Oatmeal Soap helps us look our best since soap bars is one of the many symbolic products that reflects beauty.
4. Be Fresh. With the Seeweed Mist and Face Mask, being healthy also means you are refreshed.
5. Love your Health. The Smart Check up card reminds me that I should see my doctor regularly if there are unhealthy symptoms that occur.
6. Health is Life. The green ribbon represents life.
7. The woven box represents the Filipino nation's view of health.

Bottom line, these products only represents the view of health and are not products of PhilCare.

Disclosure: This box was sent to me by PhilCare for seeding purposes but content is mine.