Anyways, I got an invite from the BDJ Team to be a part of their last BDJ Rendezvous of the year. This was the first one I attended, but definitely not the last. This even’t theme is #BDJUnstoppable: Embrace the power you have from within.
Here’s the event poster:

The event was held at 4th floor Annex of SM North EDSA last August 9, 2014, and is hosted by the pretty Janeena Chan, former kid model of Total Girl Philippines.

Sorry, I didn’t have a very good photo of her as I was only using my phone camera, but she’s actually, really pretty in person, and has an amazing hosting skills! :)
I love the inspiration that Belle de Jour gives to us ladies when they are holding these events. So this talk taught us on how to be strong woman, how to unleash our creative prowess, and how to stand out in our own style. We have four sessions,
First one:

STRONG: Bea Vega - Roxy brand Ambassador
She talked about how being a strong woman is the new sexy. Being Roxy’s brand ambassador, she really loves surfing. I didn’t have a picture of her because she was so far away that my phone camera couldn’t reach her. Haha.

UNLEASH: Tal de Guzman - Rique Designs brand ambassador
I was amazed with this 25-year old lady. She started her own brandof shoes at the age of 23, with 60k capital. As much as I love shoes, I became very interested with her talk. She got an amazing intellect on designing Filipino inspired shoes. It can also be customized the way you want your shoes to look like. I wasn’t able to take photos of her shoes, so if you have time, you should visit her website because I tell you, it’s really beautiful! Well, the owner itself is really beautiful too.

See that? She’s really pretty. :)

BRING OUT: Eman de Leon - Make up artist Revlon
Eman discussed tips on how to apply make ups, and how to bring out your beauty using Revlon cosmetics. He gave ten tips, that I actually learned on the make up workshops I attended to, but the difference is using the Revlon brand.

Last speaker is Jasmine Mendiola - Style Consultant and Make Up Artist n the STAND OUT segment.
Jasmine was a former Fashion and Beauty Editor of Summit Media’s magazines, and taught us how to live in our own style. We need to have our own signature look! Whether you stand out in pink lipstick, or your one-sided bangs, or your contoured make up, you need to create your own style! I agree with her.
I think my signature look is wearing pink lipsticks ala Nicki Minaj. Haha. But just a lighter shade than hers, though.

So here’s the other experiences:

Here’s my #OOTD during the event.

Yes there’s a free snack! Tuna sandwich, chicken drum sticks, special carbonara and the infamous Jco donuts.

Photo opportunity with the 80+ bellas who were luckily invited to join the last BDJ Rendezvous of the year. One, two, three, say Bella! :)
And of course, the loot bag!
There’s so much inside. :)

Inside are
- Pantene Shampoo
- Pantene Leave On
- Samples from Skinfood
- Beauty Tools from Goody
- Vouchers from the different sponsoring brands

I’m so overwhelmed with what I learned and what I got from this event, I would love to attend more of this because I was really inspired! I just couldn’t find the right words to express. :)